Aenima ya lo subió Morgan, así que no lo voy a poner.
72826 (Demo) (1991)
01. Cold and Ugly
02. Hush
03. Part of Me
04. Crawl Away
05. Sober
06. Jerk-Off
Pass: anubisweb666.blogspot.comOpium Den (1991)

01. Sober (Demo)
02. Jerk-Off (Demo)
03. Cold and Ugly (Demo)
04. Part of Me (Demo)
05. Hush (Demo)
06. Crawl Away (Demo)
07. Sober (Live)
08. Swamp Song (Live)
09. Opiate (Live)
10. Bottom (Live - ft. Zach de la Rocha)
11. Jerk-Off (Live)
Opiate (1992)
01. Sweat
02. Hush
03. Part of Me
04. Cold and Ugly (Live)
05. Jerk-Off (Live)
06. Opiate
Undertow (1993)
01. Intolerance
02. Prison Sex
03. Sober
04. Bottom ft. Henry Rollins
05. Crawl Away
06. Swamp Song
07. Undertow
08. 4 Degrees
09. Flood
10. Disgustipated
Lateralus (2001)
01. The Grudge
02. Eon Blue Apocalypse
03. The Patient
04. Mantra
05. Schism
06. Parabol
07. Parabola
08. Ticks & Leeches
09. Lateralus
10. Disposition
11. Reflection
12. Triad
13. Faaip de Oiad
10.000 Days (2006)
01. Vicarious
02. Jambi
03. Wings for Marie (Pt. 1)
04. 10,000 Days (Wings Pt. 2)
05. The Pot
06. Lipan Conjuring
07. Lost Keys (Blame Hofmann)
08. Rosetta Stoned
09. Intension
10. Right In Two
11. Viginti Tres
esto es muy cabeza